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Top 10 List of Week 06

  1. Introduction to Processes & Threads
    An introduction that explains the basic concept of a process and a thread.

  2. Creating New Process with fork()
    A brief explanation about process creation and what the purpose of fork() system call is.

  3. Making Forked Clones More Useful with exec()
    An explanation about what the purpose of exec() system call is and how to make something useful out of it.

  4. Zombie and Orphan Process in Operating System
    A brief explanation about what is zombie process and orphan process? how to kill a zombie process and is there any side-effect of zombie process in OS.

  5. System Calls
    An explanation about what system calls is, how a system call works in an OS, what user mode and kernel mode is and some examples of important system calls.

  6. Concurrency, Threading and Parallelism
    An explanation about what a thread is, how a thread works and the differences between concurrency and parallelism.

  7. Segmented, Paged and Virtual Memory
    A brief overview of the paged and segmented memory management systems.

  8. Linux File System/Structure
    An introduction to the basic Linux File System and how get around in it.

  9. Files & File Systems
    A quick explanation about how some polpular file format like txt, wav and bitmap are encoded and decoded and how computers are able to keep all this data organized and ireadily accessible to users.

  10. NTFS, exFAT, FAT32, ext4 and APFS File Systems
    An explanation about the differences between various file systems and how those file systems used to organized data on storage drives.